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Aux Hyd Position | GPS Guidance | Bolt On

Use Hyd Control to move the Draw Bar & Assist Draft Steering

The Steer Hitch is for use on any John Deere 9T tracked tractor with a wide free swinging drawbar. The drawbar controller uses two cylinders on either side of the drawbar to control drawbar movement from inside the cab.



Manual - SAE

Stabilizing the swinging drawbar eliminates the pitfalls of a swinging drawbar while maintaining the advantages.
It will eliminate the erratic side to side motion that can occur with an unstabilized drawbar, increases drawbar control to keep the implement inline on hillsides, increases steering control of heavy draft loads while minimizing soil berm or crop damage to end rows, allows for quick maneuverability of the implement around low and wet spots or obstacles, eliminates track interference, and maintains benefit of reduced stress on the implement tongue.


FLOTATION should be used to eliminate unwanted lateral movement of the swinging drawbar.


HYDRAULIC CONTROL will be used to control lateral movement of the drawbar to create side draft.


NEUTRAL POSITION locks the drawbar in place. Recommended that the neutral center position be used for road travel.

3 Modes: 


The Steer Hitch mounts directly to the tractor's main frame near the rear. The drawbar operates through the frame pieces of the Steer Hitch.

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